9 ways to protect eyes from blue light

What is Blue light

Blue light, also referred to as high-energy visible light, ranges from 400 to 500 nanometers. This is low on the visible spectrum, closer to the harmful end. It can penetrate the lens directly to our retina.

where does blue light come from?

Blue light exists not only in sunlight, but also in various electronic screens such as computer monitors, fluorescent lamps, mobile phones, digital products, LED displays, and projectors.

Why is blue light bad?

The main hazard of blue light is eye damage. The specific hazards are as follows:

1. Age-related macular degeneration:

The most significant damage caused by blue light to the human eye should be caused by Age-related macular degeneration, accompanied by decreased vision.

2. Digital eye fatigue:

Blue light is easier to scatter than other visible light and is not easy to focus on. This visual “noise” when looking at digital devices reduces the contrast and causes digital eye fatigue. You may experience eye fatigue, headache, blurred vision, dry glasses, neck and shoulder pain.

3. Blue light can cause damage to the fundus after cataract surgery.

4. Insomnia

All artificial light affects sleep, but among all kinds of artificial light, blue light has the greatest effect on sleep. Excessive exposure to blue light at night will inhibit the production of melatonin in the body. Insufficient secretion of melatonin in the human body will make it impossible to fall asleep, which causes insomnia.

9 ways to protect your eyes from blue light

1. Use blue light filter software

For people who need to use the computer for a long time every day, using blue light filter software is a very good choice.

CareUEyes is an excellent comprehensive eye protection software that filters blue light by adjusting the color temperature. The lower the color temperature, the less blue light emitted by the screen.

In addition, CareUEyes also has the feature of adjusting screen brightness and timing lock screen reminder to rest. They can use the forced rest mode to rest for those who with poor self-control and unable to rest on time.

CareUEyes has 8 preset modes, allowing you to quickly find the screen color temperature and brightness that suits you. You can also modify the preset modes and customize your own model.



CareUEyes also has sunrise and sunset feature, you can set the different color temperatures and brightness for day and night, CareUEyes will automatically switch between sunrise and sunset. Compared with the daytime, more blue light needs to be filtered at night to avoid affecting sleep.

blue light filter

2. Reduce eye use time and take regular rest

If we stare at the mobile phone and computer for more than ten hours a day, our eyes will suffer long-term damage from high-energy blue light radiation.

After using your eyes for a period of time, you can blink your eyes or rest your eyes more to reduce the time of eye use. The most useful at the moment is the 20-20-20 rule.

For every 20 minutes of using the screen, you should try to move your sight 20 feet away from you for a total of 20 seconds. You might say, how can I tell where is 20 feet? Actually, you don’t need to be so precise. You just need to look far away as much as possible, such as looking at the scenery outside the window, walking in the office corridor, or standing up and stretching, looking at the distance, and then pour a glass of water.

Regular rest can provide your body with agility and improve work efficiency. The eye care software CareUEyes can simplify these steps. It allows you to perform these steps more easily without stress





3. Wear anti-blue glasses

The anti-blue lens has a special coating to filter some blue light. One advantage of blue light glasses is that they can also filter the blue light emitted by the sun, TV, and LED lights.

4. Replace LED lights with incandescent lamps

Led lights emit a lot of blue light. It is recommended to use incandescent lamps because incandescent lamps do not flicker and there is very little blue light in the spectrum.

5. Use screen filters

Screen filters can be used on most models of laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. These filters can be easily installed on the device without damaging the original manufacturer’s screen or interfering with touch sensitivity. If your child uses a computer to play games or do homework, these features are particularly useful, because, without supervision, the child is less likely to wear blue-light blocking glasses, but it is not portable enough and more expensive, different manufacturers’ Screen filters will also have varying degrees of quality differences

anti glare screen

6. Do not try to use the device directly before going to bed

Excessive exposure to blue light can cause restlessness and insomnia. Set a limit to turn off the device at least one hour before bedtime and charge the device in another room so that you don’t try to turn it back on.

7.Intraocular lens (IOL)

After cataract surgery, the cloudy lens will be replaced with an intraocular lens (IOL). The lens naturally protects the eye from almost all ultraviolet light and some blue light. There are types of IOL that can protect the eye and retina from blue light.

8. Eye nutrition

By eating foods or supplements rich in key nutrients, you can support the natural protection of your eyes. Lutein and zeaxanthin are naturally found in foods such as spinach, kale, and other green leafy vegetables. Nutritional supplements can also be used to ensure adequate daily intake.

Michael A. Smith, MD, said: “Natural retinal antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin cannot regenerate fast enough to keep up with the harmful blue light that destroys the surrounding environment.” “We all quickly become deficient in lutein. . And because blue light-emitting devices are useless, the risk of macular degeneration is also increasing. Daily supplementation of lutein and zeaxanthin must maintain macular pigment density.”

9. Check your eyes regularly

The optometrist recommends that people in their 40s have an eye exam every two years and discuss with an eye care professional about the choice of ways to protect their family and eyes from blue light

Editor’s Choice:  Blue Light Filter Software

Blue light filter software is your best choice, why? First of all, it is very portable. You don’t need to worry about whether it matches the size of your display. Second, you can customize the intensity of the blue light filter. After all, everyone’s sensitivity to light is different. In addition, it is better than other solutions. To be cheap and reliable, you can download the blue light filter software CareUEyes from here

WordPress 2.0.6

UPDATED: 01/07/07

WordPress 2.0.6 was released 3 hours ago and it includes an important security fix. All WordPress users are advised to download and install this latest release.

What’s new for this version:

* The aforementioned security fixes.
* HTML quicktags now work in Safari browsers.
* Comments are filtered to prevent them from messing up your blog layout.
* Compatibility with PHP/FastCGI setups.

Me, I’m gonna wait for a few days and see if there are any problems with this WordPress version before I go and install it. A lot of users complained about having problems after installing and upgrading to the previous version, WordPress 2.0.5. For the meantime, I’ll just go ahead and download it and wait for the right time to install it.

Before you proceed with the upgrade/update, make sure that you backup all important files such as the wp-content folder and custom files. Another safety measure is to deactivate all active plugins so that you can avoid having issues caused by conflicts with running plugins.

Dowload WordPress 2.0.6 here

I’ve just upgraded to WordPress 2.0.6. I recommend that you should do too to fix any security flaws that your blogs might have.

Best alternative to f.lux

These days, when the use of technology in every field of our life is increasing rapidly, we are automatically forced to keep our eyes open for a longer time in front of the computer screen. This is natural. Our work demands that. We can’t completely ban the use of these devices from our lifestyle. But, we can take protective measures to reduce their bad impact on our health. This is why we need light filter applications in these devices. These applications adjust the display settings to comfort our eyes. There is much such software in the market. But, here we will compare the two most prominent ones: f.lux and CareUEyes.

In order to get a wider view of the differences, advantages, and disadvantages, we will compare both the products side by side. Here we will have a detailed look into the UI and some common features that this software has to offer.


The home screen of f.lux looks fancy and has the display temperature control on it. It looks pretty decent. But In order to access its advanced features, you have to dive deeper into menus. Now, it is completely ok to dive deeper. But, the only thing that feels wired is its dialog boxes. The dialog boxes don’t match up with the style of the home screen. Moreover, on the home screen, there are values like Circadian Darkness, location coordinates, and wake-up time.

blue light filter

On the other hand, CareUEyes also has a great UI. It is surrounded by a lot of options in a single panel. It is easier to use and does not need to switch into nested menus. You can easily find any of your desired options without diving deeper. Moreover, it gives you the vibes of a genuine piece of professional software.

Blue Light Filter

Night-time exposure to blue light makes people more alert and also affects their circadian timing. A wide range of lights appear to be able to stimulate the circadian system in humans, and so while we refer to “blue light” in order to distinguish it from the light our visual system sees, it includes lights that appear green, blue, cyan, and even orange.

blue light filter

CareUEyes also has decent blue light filtering. Its blue light filtering is embedded in its display panel. CareUEyes can automatically filter the blue light and make the screen look warmer and comfortable to the eyes so that your eyes do not feel tired, and this application comes with several presets that adjust both color temperature and brightness such as normal, smart, office, game and night. Also, the inbuilt modes are well customized to suit the different nature of work environments.

Brightness adjustments

In its brightness adjustments, it has three controls: daytime, sunset, and bedtime. Also, it has temperature adjustment controls on the home screen. Moreover, there are many presets that help you to choose the best setting for your environment without any manual tweak. But, there are so many options that you need to play around with it for some time.

pause mode

CareUEyes also has an amazing panel to control the brightness. It allows equal control over the warmth and brightness. A good setting will definitely prove it worthy. It gives you limited controls and makes it easy for anyone to use it. No unnecessary and redundant progress bars to confuse the users.


f.lux lacks this feature. There is no such feature as a timer in f.lux.

CareUEyes provides rest notifications to keep you from working for too long at a time. It is very important to take regular breaks, and it’s not just your eyes that benefit from them. This application can ensure that you don’t forget to rest every now and again, by displaying desktop notifications for a specified amount of time. Furthermore, CareUEyes has a special and exceptional feature called Force Rest. This features locks down your controls forcibly by removing your controls over them for some time. After the time is passed, it automatically sets everything back to normal.

Types of presets

Both the applications have some presets to quickly switch to a setting to adapt to the current work environment. f.lux has modes like movie, dark room, vignette, grayscale, soft white, blue sky, macular pigment, emerald city, Himalayan salt lamp, and civil twilight.

8 modes

CareUEyes has modes like pause, custom, game, movie, office, night, editing, and reading.

f.lux has more presets. But, the nomenclature of the presets in f.lux is a bit confusing. You have to play around a bit to find the best one for you. On the other hand, CareUEyes has relatable names for its presets. You can find the best one in no time.

Other features

As far as other options are concerned, both apps have a lot of features embedded in them. f.lux has features like hotkeys for enable/disable toggle, change brightness, and change color. This feature is one of the best features I find on f.lux. This is because many times we have to work on the computer in a variable environment. In such cases, without these shortcut keys, we have to open up the panel, go to the option and change the brightness. But, with these hotkeys, it becomes so simple and quick.

Also, f.lux supports a connected lighting feature. Using this feature changes the surrounding light of your studio. Especially for professional editors and video creators who work in a studio with surrounding lights, this is a great feature. But, not all lights work with this feature.

focus feature

Coming to CareUEyes, it has some great features like Focus. The feature itself is self-descriptive from its name. It helps the user to focus on their work. Now is the Internet age. Every day, there are instant messages, emails, and short messages that interfere with our work. When reading articles, we can’t be interfered with by other information. In order to improve reading efficiency, we need to force ourselves to stay focused and avoid other content dispersion. CareUEyes’ Focus function can help you. It is a unique feature of CareUEyes Pro that prevents you from interfering with other window content to keep you focused. Also, when the mouse moves, the focus window will move with it.

Moreover, CareUEyes provides the feature of hotkeys. This feature needs no introduction. But, one special feature about the hot hey feature is that it works with the focus feature. Just a simple combination of keys and your focus stays intact. Again, CareUEyes provides a more flexible hotkey feature as compared to f.lux. f.lux has hotkeys only for three parameters: enable/disable toggle, change brightness, and change color. But, CareUEyes has hotkeys for four parameters: brightness, color adjustment, toggle reading mode, and toggle editing mode.

sunrise sunset config

Again, CareUEyes has a great feature in its Display options. It’s the sunrise and sunset feature. This feature enables the application to automatically adjust the preferred setting according to the time. Furthermore, there is another stunning feature that allows you to add customized rules to the application. This feature ignores brightness adjustments on specified screens. This is a great feature when you decide to enjoy a movie after a whole day of work. It is very easy to setup. Adding a rule is just three clicks away. Simple, isn’t it?



f.lux is completely free for personal use. But, CareUEyes has a trial period after which you will have to buy a license for $14.90.

f.lux is great for students. But, if you are working on a professional level, CareUEyes has some premium features for you.

More information



This was a comparison between f.lux and CareUEyes. Both are great software. I recommend you to use any of them which suit you the most. Thank you.


best anti blue light screen protector

As we spend more and more time using electronic screens, the harm of blue light to human eyes has gradually attracted attention and attention, so a variety of blue light filtering products have emerged.

There are currently four main ways to filter out blue light on the market:

1. Anti blue light software

2. Anti blue light filter glasses

3. Anti blue light filter display

4. Anti blue light screen  protective film

Faced with a wide range of blue light filtering products, how should we choose? Today we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these blue light filter products

Anti blue light software

The principle of filtering blue light: filter blue light by adjusting the color temperature. Do not change the hardware configuration of the display, process internal signals before image imaging, and filter out blue light

Effect on-screen color: the more blue light is filtered, the yellower the screen

Blue light filtering range: The amount of blue light that needs to be filtered can be adjusted by itself, which can filter out blue light of all bands

Convenience: very convenient, just install the software

Tips: CareUEyes blue light filter software has 8 blue light filter modes, such as health, game, office, and reading modes. Different modes filter blue light by different percentages. You can choose the blue light filter mode that suits your needs. Different amounts of blue light filtering can be set during the day and night. Usually, more blue light needs to be filtered at night. When you need to process pictures, you can add custom rules-when the software is running in the foreground, it will automatically pause to filter blue light.



Comfort: When the blue light is filtered out, the computer screen will turn yellow, but there will be no other adverse effects.

Price: CareUEyes Pro is 14.9 US dollars a year, 39.9 US dollars lifetime. One purchase, multiple computers can be used, can be shared with family members, in addition, CareUEyes is an excellent comprehensive eye protection software, it can not only filter blue light but also adjust the screen brightness, as well as regular reminders to rest.





Anti blue light glasses

The principle of filtering blue light: reflect harmful blue light through the coating on the surface of the lens, or use the principle of color bleeding, through the principle of optical complementary color, to infiltrate the blue complementary color yellow into the lens material and absorb the blue light by the pigment, thereby realizing the harmful blue light The barrier

Effect on the screen color: The mirror reflected by the grinding layer is transparent, and the lens absorbed by the substrate is yellowish. The higher the degree of anti-blue light of the glasses, the yellower the lens and the greater the chromatic aberration.

Blue light filter range: The blue light blocking rate of lenses produced by different manufacturers is different, ranging from 30% to 90%. Glasses with a yellowish background are generally better than transparent lenses in blocking the harmful blue light. But the blue light filter range of the same glasses cannot be adjusted.

Convenience: It is not convenient to wear glasses, and many people are unwilling to wear glasses.

Comfort: 1. It is not convenient to wear glasses. 2. The blue light filtering effect of transparent lenses is poor, but the yellow lenses affect the appearance. 3. Put on yellow lenses to see that everything is yellow, not just the computer screen. 4. The blue light filter glasses on the market have different light transmittances. It is recommended to choose lenses with a light transmittance of 91% or more. If the light transmittance is insufficient, it is as if people stay in a dimly lit room for a long time, and their eyesight will also be affected. 5. Another thing to pay attention to is reflectivity. After some glasses are worn, you can see the reflective spots of messy light on the lens. Some people ignore this in daily life, but cluttered light is bad for people in terms of comfort and health. Good lenses will be coated to reduce the reflection of messy light.

Price: The price on Amazon ranges from $5 to $1082. Everyone who uses a computer at home needs to buy a pair of exclusive glasses

Anti blue light screen  protective film

The principle of filtering blue light: reflect harmful blue light through the surface coating

Impact on-screen color: will not affect the true color of the image on the screen

Blue light filtering range: The blue light blocking rate of screen protectors produced by different manufacturers is different, and it can block about 45%~61% of blue light.

Convenience: The screen protection board must match your monitor. If you change the size of the monitor, you need to replace the protection board again. The protective plate also needs to be cleaned frequently, otherwise, there will be stains or fingerprints on it.

Comfort: 1. The anti-blue screen protector will reflect light. If you have a light or window behind you, it will turn your computer screen into a mirror. 2. Another thing to pay attention to is the transmittance of the screen. Insufficient transmittance will affect the clarity of the screen. 3. The fit of some screen protectors and monitors is not good, which results in blurry monitors and unclear text and images.

Price: The price of Amazon ranges from US$16 to US$273, depending on the brand and screen size. Computers of different sizes cannot be shared, especially the sticky notebook screen protectors. Frequent disassembly is not a good idea.

Anti Blue light display

The principle of blue light filtering: wrap the blue light filter floating layer on the small lamp beads on the screen, this floating layer will filter out the harmful blue light of high energy shortwave

Impact on-screen color: will not affect the true color of the image on the screen

Blue light filter range: provide multiple modes to filter blue light, filtering up to 70% of blue light

Convenience: Need to replace the display

Comfort: Does not affect the color of the screen, which is great.

Price: The display needs to be replaced. At present, there are few blue-light filter displays on the market, and the price is relatively expensive, which is not suitable for public demand. Blue-light filter displays are expensive and have few products, which are not suitable for mass consumption.

The following will compare blue light filter software, blue light filter glasses, and blue light screen protectors.

Blue light filter range: Blue light filter software > Blue light filter glasses > Blue light screen protector

Convenience: Blue light filter software>Blue light screen protector>Blue light filter glasses

Impact on-screen color: The blue light filtering software can be adjusted, the more blue light is filtered, the yellower the screen. Glasses with a background color vary according to the depth of the background color, and transparent glasses do not affect the color. The anti-blue screen protector does not affect the color.

Comfort: The blue light filtering software has no adverse effects except for affecting the color of the screen. Blue light filtering glasses and anti-blue screen protectors will have light transmittance and reflection problems.

Price: The blue light filter software is the most cost-effective, and it can also be used by multiple computers

In summary, the blue light filtering software is very suitable for the needs of the general public. It can filter blue light in a large range and can set different blue light filtering amounts during the day and night, and the price is low. Blue light filtering software can also promote sleep and prevent sleep disturbance caused by excessive blue light exposure at night and insufficient melatonin secretion. Anti-blue light glasses are powerless. But if you have very high color requirements, anti-blue screen protectors or transparent anti-blue glasses are also a good choice but pay attention to the influence of light transmittance and reflection.

Anti blue light filter software
Anti blue light filter glasses
Anti blue light protective film
Anti blue light display


The best blue light blocker of 2021

More and more people are already aware of the dangers of blue light.
The question is how do we block blue light?

In this article, I will introduce the best blue light blocker of 2021.

What is blue light

Blue light is light with a relatively high energy wavelength between 400nm and 480nm. It is part of the visible spectrum and can penetrate the lens directly to our retina. If this happens, it will cause irreversible visual damage and even cause eye diseases.

What are the sources of Blu-ray?

Blue light can be seen everywhere in daily life, including computer screens, tablet computers, smartphones, energy-saving LED lighting, fluorescent lamps, and televisions.
Now our lives can no longer leave these devices, especially many people need to use computers for 8 hours a day, which will expose us to blue light excessively.

The harm of blue light

  • Digital eye fatigue:

Blue light is easier to scatter than other visible light and is not easy to focus on. This visual “noise” when looking at digital devices reduces the contrast and causes digital eye fatigue. You may experience eye fatigue, headache, blurred vision, dry glasses, neck and shoulder pain.

digital eye strain

  • Age-related macular degeneration:

Blue light can damage the light-sensitive cells in the retina, and may also cause age-related macular degeneration, which can lead to permanent vision loss.

  • Circadian rhythm disorder:

Since birth, humans have been accustomed to sunset = darkness = sleep. But since the invention of artificial light, people’s sleep time began to decrease.

Among all kinds of artificial light, blue light has the greatest impact on human sleep. Blue light inhibits the production of melatonin in the body.

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland, which helps your body know when to sleep and wake up.

Usually, at night, your body produces more melatonin. Once the sun starts to go down, the level of melatonin secretion will start to rise. This indicates that the body is ready to fall asleep. When the sun rises, the level of melatonin secretion will begin to decrease and the body gradually began to wake up. Excessive exposure to blue light at night and insufficient melatonin secretion in the human body will keep people awake and unable to fall asleep, which causes the problem of insomnia.

Researchers at Harvard University and colleagues conducted an experiment comparing the effects of 6.5 hours of blue light exposure with green light exposure of comparable brightness. Blue light inhibits melatonin for about twice as long as a green light, and the circadian rhythm changes twice (3 hours vs. 1.5 hours).

In another study on blue light, researchers at the University of Toronto compared the melatonin levels of people exposed to bright indoor light and wearing anti-blue light goggles with those who were exposed to regular dark light without wearing goggles. Human melatonin levels.

The fact that the hormone levels in the two groups are roughly the same strengthens the hypothesis that blue light is an effective inhibitor of melatonin

How to block blue light?

The best way to block blue light is not to use mobile phones, computers, and other devices, but in this modern society, people’s work and life are inseparable from mobile phones and computers.

A good way to block blue light is to use blue light blocking software.

CareUEyes is one of the best blue light blocking software.   It blocks blue light by adjusting the color temperature. The lower the color temperature, the less blue light. If you adjust the color temperature to the lowest, it can almost block all harmful blue light for you.



CareUEyes has designed eight preset modes according to the most commonly used scenes in people’s daily life, namely health, games, movies, office, editing, reading, custom and pause modes, and can freely adjust the blue light blocking rate arbitrarily according to the sensitivity of individual eyes.

During the day, you need proper blue light to stay awake so that you have the energy to complete your work or study. Therefore, if you are not a person with extremely sensitive eyes, you only need to block a small part of the blue light during the day and restore the light of the computer screen to light similar to daylight.

But at night, blue light becomes very harmful, you need to block more blue light to prevent sleep from being disturbed by blue light.

According to people’s different needs for blue light day and night, CareUEyes provides sunrise and sunset functions. Compared with the sunrise and sunset, the color temperature and brightness after sunset are lower.

You only need to turn on the sunrise and sunset function, CareUEyes will automatically help you adjust the color temperature and brightness at sunrise and sunset.

More eye protection features

  • Adjust the screen brightness:

the brighter the screen, the more blue light will be emitted. Therefore, properly adjusting the brightness of the screen can also help reduce blue light. And too bright screen light is also a direct stimulus to the eyes, which can cause eye fatigue.

bright screen


You need to adjust the brightness of the screen appropriately according to the light of the surrounding environment. But adjusting the brightness of many computer screens does not seem to be an easy task, especially pc computer screens. Because many PC screens do not have shortcut keys to adjust the brightness, people can’t find a switch or entrance to adjust the brightness.

In the main interface of CareUEyes, you can directly drag the progress bar to adjust the screen brightness, or you can adjust the brightness in the tray right-click menu. It also supports custom hotkeys to quickly adjust the brightness.
  • Regular rest:

Under normal circumstances, ordinary people blink 10 to 20 times per minute. Blinking can make tears evenly distributed on the surface of the cornea so that the cornea will not become dehydrated and dry. The main function of blinking is to protect the eyeball and moisturize the cornea. But when we concentrate on looking at the computer screen, the blink rate will be greatly reduced, only blinking 3 to 8 times per minute. Therefore, many people experience dry and sore eyes after using the computer for a long time.


You need to take some time to rest your eyes every 20 minutes or so. Stay away from the computer and focus on distant things, such as trees outside windows or office corridors. Gently close your eyes, then squeeze and hold for a while, then open and relax them.

But many people often forget to stop work to rest their eyes because of their busy work. CareUEyes has the function of reminding you to rest regularly, so you will never miss a rest again.

How to activate CareUEyes Pro – Sendowl

    1. First, you need to purchase a license at https://care-eyes.com/buy.html.

    2. After successful purchase, you will see the license code on the payment completion page, at the same time, the system will automatically send the license code to your mailbox, if you forget the license code, you can also retrieve it in the mail.

      sendowl payment

    3. Open CareUEyes, switch to the Activate tab, then paste the license code into the edit box and click Activate to complete the activation.

    4. After successful registration, the Activate tab will automatically disappear.

      license activated
    5. Congratulations, you have become CareUEyes Pro edition of the user.

This is the activation demo

activate demo

break reminder

People who have to work with computers in their daily lives and that covers most of us have started to become aware of the injuries caused to the carpal tunnel by strenuous work on the keyboard. There is a simple way to avoid it – take regular breaks and stretching your arms every few hours. Just like your shoulders, back, neck and the arms, you should also take care of the eyes.  If you forget to do so, CareUEyes break reminder feature can ensure that you don’t forget to rest every now and again, by displaying desktop notifications for a specified amount of time.


The work and rest periods are fully customizable, and you also have the option of enabling a desktop timer that lets you keep track of how much time you have left until a break is due, and you can also choose to disable this feature.

break reminder

If you want to ensure that you don’t keep skipping breaks when you have a lot of work to do, you can enable the “Force rest” feature, which prevents you from using your PC until the break is over.

CareUEyes break reminder feature forces you to take 3 minutes rest every 45 minutes by locking your PC for 3 minutes. You can customize this timer, and change the duration of rest and the frequency at which it appears. It gives you a form of snooze function so that you can delay the rest for a few minutes.When the rest time is 30 seconds away, it will show you a notification. On the notification popup, you will also see the option to delay the rest time by 3 and 5 minutes, as shown below

rest notify

lock screen wallpaper

When the timer runs out, the software will lock your PC automatically for the time interval which you have selected as the rest time. The lock screen will simply show your desktop wallpaper along with the rest time remaining. If you want to continue your work, then simply hover the mouse cursor at the center of the screen and click on “Continue Work” button.


CareUEyes Lite

CareUEyes Lite

  On April 15, 2019, we released the freeware CareUEyes Lite.

  CareUEyes Lite has the features of brightness adjustment, which has four brightness levels to choose from 20%-40%-60%-80%, all the operation interface is in the tray area.

  Unlike other brightness adjustment software, CareUEyes Lite does not use translucent windows to reduce brightness. It directly controls the gamma value of the display and is therefore not affected by the start menu and taskbar. It also does not affect the color of the mouse cursor and screenshots.

  In addition, click on the tray icon, you can easily restore or turn off the brightness adjustment features of CareUEyes Lite, very practical. 

        CareUEyes Lite’s performance is the best, it can work very well even on a poor performance machine, it only uses 600kb of disk space and 1m of memory and uses as little CPU time as possible.

  CareUEyes Lite is very useful for those who only need to adjust the brightness of the display.

Download Lite

CareUEyes Pro

        CareUEyes Pro is more powerful than CareUEyes Lite.

change brightness

Download Pro


     After installing the CareUEyes Pro, it will automatically increase or decrease the brightness of the computer screen to protect your eyes. The default setting reduces the brightness by 10%, and you can manually adjust it.

        Drag the progress bar to the left to decrease the brightness and the screen will darken, drag the progress bar to the right to increase the brightness and the screen will light up.

       The ambient light is different during the day or night. After the sunrise/sunset switch is turned on in CareUEyes, the brightness of the display will change with sunrise and sunset

        CareUEyes Pro has the features of the automatic blue light filter, automatic brightness adjustment, rest reminder, and keeping focus.

        CareUEyes has more customization options, these features protect your eyesight and increase productivity from all aspects.

        If you need to automatically adjust the color temperature and filter blue light, rest reminder, and other more advanced features, then CareUEyes Pro will be your best choice.

        You can buy  CareUEyes Pro from the Buy page. If you have any problems, please  contact us.

Download Pro

How to activate CareUEyes Pro – Fastspring

    1. First, you need to purchase a license at https://care-eyes.com/buy.html.
    2. After successful purchase, you will see the license code on the payment completion page, at the same time, the system will automatically send the license code to your mailbox, if you forget the license code, you can also retrieve it in the mail. payment-fastspring
    3. Open CareUEyes, switch to the Activate tab, then paste the license code into the edit box and click Activate to complete the activation.
    4. After successful registration, the Activate tab will automatically disappear.
    5. Congratulations, you have become CareUEyes Pro edition of the user.